Friday, May 31, 2013

Juice Detox Day 2

7:30am- Woke up to music wafting down the hallway. Groggily made some green tea with lemon juice and honey for myself and the hubby, then started washing and peeling vegetables and fruit for the first juice of the day.

Jolt Juice
       2 Apples
       1 Orange
       1 Cucumber
       1/4 Lemon Peeled
       4 Kale Leaves/Spinach

This is by far my favorite juice so far.

9:30am- Just now finishing the juice. Not sure why it takes me so long to drink these suckers, but two hours seems to be the trend. Feeling pretty good today. Bright eyed and bushy tailed so to speak. I've been tinkering around on my blog this morning, as well as reading in My Heart Is An Idiot by Davy Rothbart and Let Me Clear My Throat by Elena Passarello, one of which is required reading for my summer residency and the other is written by the professor (Elena Passarello) of the nonfiction residency.

I am just now beginning to draft my essay for the residency workshop. I'm struggling a bit with writing an essay, because my only background with essay has been through academic requirements. This is a new sort of genre for me, but I'm excited to try it. Rothbart's essays seem to be memoir vignettes while Passarello's are snapshots into theater vocals throughout time. Both are interesting, but they are unique and it's hard to find a common style to this genre. The only guidelines given were as follows:
Nonfiction: 1 or more essays (max. 22 pages total, double-spaced) We will forward all work submitted to your faculty mentor, who will select pieces to workshop during the residency. 

Here goes nothing!

12pm- Just mixed up lunch:

Bruschetta Tang
            2 Tomatoes
            1-2 Garlic Cloves Peeled
            1 Bunch of Basil (20 Leaves)
            1/4 Lemon Peeled

It's a little...different to drink garlic and tomatoes, but I think I like it okay. I keep thinking it would be really nice with some bread. Hubby isn't a fan of raw tomatoes anyway, so this is torture for him. I feel pretty good. He's getting cranky because he's doing school work and is hungry. I was planning on mixing up a salad for lunch, but we seem to be doing okay on just juice right now. I think dinner is a whole different story... 
5pm- Our hunger overcame us, so I made some soup. The ingredients are nearly all things we were putting in our juices anyway (and I even added some of the Bruschetta Tang from lunch that we didn't finish). It was tasty, but probably only in comparison to what we've been consuming.

Carrot-Spinach Soup with Dill

For The Big Batch
1 large onion, diced
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
7 carrots, diced (about 5 cups)
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon coarse salt
8 ounces green beans, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

For Each Serving
1 packed cup baby spinach
3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
2 tablespoons lemon juice

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