Saturday, March 9, 2013

Goals for March 2013

-Finish Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers In Exile by John Shelby Spong and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
-Finish my quilt.
-Focus on one habit. This month is to stop nail biting.
-Reprint my family scrapbook and finish college scrapbook.
-Reduce paper use. {Try to use cloth napkins and wipes instead of paper towels.}
-Work on solutions to blocks to happiness. 
-Go on one weekend trip. {We are planning to go to Cinci for the Paris Prom}
-Go on one date night.

-Write at least two handwritten notes every month to encourage someone.
-Get-together with a friend at least bi-weekly.
-Call G-mom and Papa at least weekly.

-Keeping strict Office Hours for lesson planning/writing time each day. "Work" 4-6pm M-F

-Spend only $100/week on food/entertainment
-Save up for a vacation.
-Keep up the green lifestyle

My blocks to Happiness

I recently subscribed to emails and received one this morning about introducing yourself to yourself. Part of the process was to look at your blocks to happiness and find solutions for them. Overall, I'm a generally happy person, but I do have a few negative traits that pop up every now and then that cause me grief.

  • I procrastinate when I’m not sure where to start or when I think something will take longer than I would like it to.

  • Make a plan of where to start and estimate the amount of time something might take. Break it into smaller sections (a little bit every day, with grading, for example).

  • I am selfish when it comes to sweet food and being taken care of.

  • Make healthy foods to share with others (take care of others).

  • ·      I am lazy when I am tired, stressed, or have too much free time.

  • ·      Exercise to keep moving when I’m tired stressed, or have too much time.

  • ·      I am impatient when waiting on someone or something.

  • ·      Always have something else to do to pass the time: read, watch a Ted talk, do dishes, laundry, etc.

  • ·      I get defensive when someone close to me criticizes the way I do something.

  • ·      Expect the criticism and use it to improve.

  • ·      I become jealous when it appears that someone has something I don’t have that I would like to have (physical or personality-wise).

  • ·      Be thankful for the things I do have, identify what is a need and what is a want, and think of the jealousy instead as motivation work towards the things I want.